WebMIDI Examples

The Web MIDI API lets your browser talk to MIDI devices. This page gives you a bunch of copy pasteable snippets for these basic interactions, that I basically collected from one of the below links.

Spec | MDN | Polyfill (read the fine print re: its dependencies)


function connect() {
    (midi) => midiReady(midi),
    (err) => console.log('Something went wrong', err));

function midiReady(midi) {
  // Also react to device changes.
  midi.addEventListener('statechange', (event) => initDevices(event.target));
  initDevices(midi); // see the next section!


If you have any MIDI devices connected, they will appear here. You can also simulate them if you don't have any, but this depends on OS/what you have installed, so you need to figure it out.

function initDevices(midi) {
  // Reset.
  midiIn = [];
  midiOut = [];
  // MIDI devices that send you data.
  const inputs = midi.inputs.values();
  for (let input = inputs.next(); input && !input.done; input = inputs.next()) {
  // MIDI devices that you send data to.
  const outputs = midi.outputs.values();
  for (let output = outputs.next(); output && !output.done; output = outputs.next()) {

// Start listening to MIDI messages.
function startListening() {
  for (const input of midiIn) {
    input.addEventListener('midimessage', midiMessageReceived);

Listening to messages from an input device

To test this, start mashing on the buttons/keys of a connected input device.

function midiMessageReceived(event) {
  // MIDI commands we care about. See
  // http://webaudio.github.io/web-midi-api/#a-simple-monophonic-sine-wave-midi-synthesizer.
  const NOTE_ON = 9;
  const NOTE_OFF = 8;

  const cmd = event.data[0] >> 4;
  const pitch = event.data[1];
  const velocity = (event.data.length > 2) ? event.data[2] : 1;
  // You can use the timestamp to figure out the duration of each note.
  const timestamp = Date.now();
  // Note that not all MIDI controllers send a separate NOTE_OFF command for every NOTE_ON.
  if (cmd === NOTE_OFF || (cmd === NOTE_ON && velocity === 0)) {
    console.log(`🎧 from ${event.srcElement.name} note off: pitch:${pitch}, velocity: ${velocity}`);
    // Complete the note!
    const note = notesOn.get(pitch);
    if (note) {
      console.log(`🎵 pitch:${pitch}, duration:${timestamp - note} ms.`);
  } else if (cmd === NOTE_ON) {
    console.log(`🎧 from ${event.srcElement.name} note off: pitch:${pitch}, velocity: {velocity}`);
    // One note can only be on at once.
    notesOn.set(pitch, timestamp);

Sending a message to an output device

To test this, press one of these buttons and listen to the audio coming out of your output device.

Duration: ms.

function sendMidiMessage(pitch, velocity, duration) {
  const NOTE_ON = 0x90;
  const NOTE_OFF = 0x80;
  const device = midiOut[selectOut.selectedIndex];
  const msgOn = [NOTE_ON, pitch, velocity];
  const msgOff = [NOTE_ON, pitch, velocity];
  // First send the note on;
  // Then send the note off. You can send this separately if you want 
  // (i.e. when the button is released)
  device.send(msgOff, Date.now() + duration); 